VetsOne ran a client survey to explore what you want from a Vet Clinic and how well we meet those expectations. This was a part of our drive to ensure that you receive excellent care and service when you bring your pets to VetsOne. Our vision is to be the “most trusted and preferred supplier of animal health in Hawke’s Bay”, but do you feel we achieve this? What can we improve upon?.
Firstly, we want to thank all of those who participated. Whatever you had to say to us was appreciated and useful in our future planning of our services.
Secondly, we want to congratulate our voucher winner – Trish, who won the draw for a $50 voucher with us.

Here is a summary of some of the survey findings:
- When asked what matters most to our clients, this was a resounding “My animals getting excellent care” followed by “the skill and knowledge of the vets”. Location and use of technology were much lower considerations.
- We asked how you rated your experience, starting with the Customer Care Team. We asked about the; greeting, appearance of the clinic and whether your needs were met. These averaged 4.6 (where 1 is extremely unhappy through to 5 is extremely happy). The greeting from our team was the top scorer.
- Next we asked about the service our clients receive during a consultation with our Vet Team. On the same scale, the average satisfaction score was 4.73. With our professional appearance and also professional behaviour ranking highly. Follow-up communication was identified as one thing we could do better,
- We also asked about the Nursing Team by looking at how our clients felt during an admission to hospital or surgery. This scored an average of 4.71 with efficiency of the process and advocating for the pet ranking highest, and again communication with our clients being the one we need to improve upon.
- Finally we asked clients to agree or disagree with some statements about our service, and the top ranked response was “I know they have the best interests of my animal in mind”, followed by “I feel well informed, but free to make choices”. Sadly, the lowest ranked answer was that “my pet enjoys coming to VetsOne” – which still ranked well but is something we want to do better nonetheless..
Once again, thank you to those who responded for sharing your thoughts and the individual comments. We appreciate your time and the insights we gain from these responses are able to help us do our best for you.