HOT NEW PRODUCT: Marks-Min® ZMSC with B12

Marks-Min Injectable Trace Mineral With Vitamin B12 for Cattle is a trace mineral injection for cattle that contains the trace minerals copper, manganese, zinc and selenium along with vitamen B12, which are required for optimal health, production and fertility.

When animals dip into their reserves, as they commonly do in NZ’s mineral deficient pasture, we start to see reduced growth & milk production, more disease, and decreased reproductive performance. The periods of most stress include mating, calving and early lactation, drying off, weaning, and transport. Supplementing with trace minerals attempts to mitigate the effects of physiological stress and its consequences.

We all know that there are baseline levels of trace elements where if animals drop under them it has
negative impacts. We also know the upper levels where if we overdo it you see toxicities. Recently, people have started researching the other level in between the upper and lower limits, where if you exceed that; production peaks. This is the level we wish to achieve. Your animals may not show any clinical disease, but may still benefit greatly from supplementation.

The optimal times for supplementation are in calves in first 24 hours, this halves the chance of contracting diarrhoea, navel infections and pneumonia. In cows pre-calving we see reduced still births, less endometritis which in turn increased in-calf rates by 3.3%. Sub optimal trace mineral and vitamin B12 status at calving, mating and drying off has been shown to negatively impact production, reproduction and health. Optimizing trace element status relying solely on oral supplements may fail as a result of variation in individual intake and reduced absorption because of antagonism of other ration components and minerals to these essential trace elements.

Whether you want the most resilient calves possible, or just optimised peak production across the board; get in touch now with one of our production animal vets to discuss your farms needs and create an animal health plan that matches the products that will be best suited to help you get the most out of your animals.