Focus on “Peace of Mind”

There are many ways we can help your pet continue to live life to the full, giving you peace of mind about their health and wellbeing.  Below, is a list of just a few of them.

The top 5 things you can do for your pet

 1. Make sure they are getting regular health checks and the recommended vaccinations, worming and flea treatment (all year – not just in summer). These basics are important for good health.

2.  Feed them a premium pet food. These pet foods are meat based and specifically designed to keep your pet at its best health-wise, and many can actually help prevent or treat common concerns like obesity and arthritis.  Feeding premium foods is very comparable price-wise to “supermarket brand”  biscuits and is usually less expensive then feeding “wet foods” because there is little waste and so you can feed less.

3.  Give them plenty of love and exercise.

 4.  Keep them at ideal weight. Weight related diseases are becoming one of the more common killers amongst NZ pets and is preventable.

5.  Have your pet checked when a problem occurs. Early diagnosis means better outcomes for your pet and often lower treatment costs for you.