We all know how stress, anxiety and fear affects us as humans but it’s not often thought about for our pets.
We think a lot about physical health like getting the dog out for a walk but not about psychologically, especially when it comes to our vet visits.
Puppies and kittens have a critical impact time in the first few months of their lives this is when we often see them for the first time for their very important health checks, vaccinations, microchipping and parasite control. That can be really hard for creating a good first impression when from their prospective we do weird things, it smells strange, who are you? and to top it off we often end up poking them with sharp objects.
“Fear is the worst thing any social species could experience”

Fear Free is a concept that was designed for veterinary professionals back in 2016 to teach and inspire people in the industry to think more about a patients emotional wellbeing. And to be given the freedom to create a positive impact for our patients while visiting us in a vet clinic. To become Fear Free certified professional you have to undergo continuing professional development in a multi layered certification. (3+ years to become Elite certified). Fear Free now also offer certification in avian and equine handling.
We all know in day to day life its the small changes we make that often makes a huge difference.
That’s were Fear Free can make a positive impact on long life relationship with our patients and owners. By constantly striving to improve by using a new thought processes, technics and adjusting approaches to reduce fear, anxiety and stress. By working together, we can reduce and remove barriers to giving your pet a better experience. Gone are the days of “scruffing cats”; now we use towels to wrap and swaddle your animal instead. If your animal is food driven LOTS and LOTS of treats are on offer and maybe your dog would like to be seen outside over coming into the clinic?

As a vet nurse I constantly think about how I can make things better when it comes to the patients I am lucky enough to be entrusted to look after. When I first came across Fear Free it instantly resonated so I took to it straight away and gained elite status last year. I’ve learnt a lot along the way, fine tuning my patient behavior skills, a lot of thinking out of the box and gaining a voice for animals. It has been one of the most rewarding leaning processes I’ve undertaken.
Fear Free is good medicine and creates a good experience for everyone including myself.
Did you know if your pet is stressed you can have a chat with your primary veterinarian pre visit to be prescribed some feel good medication before you come into the clinic?
Within the clinic we also have designated species only areas like our cat and dog separate waiting areas, consult rooms and hospital wings. We use pheromones, olfactory treats, food treats and other aids to make things a bit smoother during their visit.
These are only a couple of examples of little things we can do to make things easier. Communicating with our team can help us understand what works best for your pet.
If you have had a great Fear Free appointment we would love to hear from you!
Would you like to know how you can help reduce fear, anxiety and fear at home?
Check out Fear Free happy homes http://www.fearfreehappyhomes.com or email nadine@vetsone.co.nz if you would like help in making your next visit a less fearful one.
Written by Nadine Hook
NZVNA, FFPE+Avian, Puppy School Trainer and Appointed ISFM Cat friendly advocate