Whilst we are on the topic of giving your pet the very best life you can, it’s time we had a serious conversation about insurance.
We believe that most of the pet insurance companies in NZ are working to make it both simple and affordable to provide good cover against what can sometimes become big expenses.
There have been major advances in the level of care and technology available for your pets. Dental radiography, titanium implants, Ultrasound, MRI and CT scans are but of the few things available for our pets. And whilst you may not need the really high level technologies, the care involved in some of the major surgeries can push the final value into the thousands. It is crucial you get pet insurance BEFORE it’s needed.
We feel the way to take maximum advantage of pet insurance is to start when your pet is young, before they develop any potential “exclusions”. Once they have an ear infection, all those ear treatments won’t be covered. A young puppy or kitten won’t have any exclusions unless they have congenital issues (problems they were already born with). This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t insure you older pet, just make sure you are informed about what will and won’t be covered, to avoid disappointment or confusion.

We feel it’s best to get the big things covered and leave off the smaller things as a way to maximise cover for the smallest premiums. It’s not generally the day to day things that will worry you, it will be those bigger, unexpected expenses.
Most of the brands have great on-line tools where you can play around with different cover options. Many, including the main two we support, will give free insurance to puppies and kittens on their first visit to the clinic, and also support great charities like the SPCA.
We are not financial advisors, so we can’t offer much more advice on this, except to say, please give some serious thought to pet insurance. Remember, you never think you need it – until you do. If you pet needs major care, having insurance means your only worry will be them!