Everyone Meet Maggie!
Breed: Fox Terrier
Age: Five and a half years
Veterinarian: Dr Ethel Koh
Care Nurses: Kerri, Kylie, Karen, Brooke and Nadine
Caution: This story contains graphic photos that some people may find upsetting.
On Friday Maggie was living her best dog life having an absolute ball at the beach when out of the blue a member of the public ran her over on the beach with their vehicle not even stopping to see if she was okay. Her traumatised owners rushed her into VetsOne bleeding and in shock.
On arrival to the clinic Maggie was surrounded by her family who were very worried about her! It is traumatic for everyone when preventable accidents like this happen. The team triaged Maggie she was pale, shaking, bleeding and in pain. Unfortunately, she sustained horrific de-gloving injuries to both her back legs.
Our team jumped into action getting pain relief into Maggie next was to help her though the shock period so we placed her on to intravenous fluid therapy and close monitoring from the nursing team. Shock can have a huge impact on patient’s heart, nervous system and temperature control. Signs can include pale gums, rapid heart rate and breathing, nausea, feeling cold and clammy. An ultrasound was conducted to ensure there was no internal bleeding. Once Maggie was settled and her condition was stable we did x-rays to ensure that she had no fractures. Maggie was a very lucky dog indeed as her x-rays were perfect and no fractures were detected.

Later in the day when Maggie was stable and pain free it was time to fix the de-gloving injuries she had sustained to both her back legs she really was in a bad way. Nadine the vet nurse stated that “She brought half the beach to the clinic as her wounds were filled with sand”. The team set to work giving Maggie a general anaesthetic to get those wounds clipped, cleaned and sutured close. After all was prepared it was time to put Maggie’s pieces back together. Extensive reconstructive skin suturing over many hours was performed, drains were placed inside both legs to ensure that any build up fluid could leave the body and not further complicate Maggie’s recovery.
“Maggie is incredibly brave and strong!”
Saturday morning Dr Ethel gave Maggie her final check ready for her discharge. Maggie was in good spirts, comfortable, her pain was controlled, eating, drinking, walking around the clinic she was ready to be reunited with her family again.