How about that heat- Burnt Paws

How about that heat!


While we are enjoying the warm weather out and about in the Bay just remember that our pets feet are prone to receive burns caused by the heat that comes from the concrete. Even though our pets have very thick pads it is important to understand that they are made of skin that’s just as sensitive as our feet.

How can you tell if the ground is too hot?
Placing the back of your hand on the concrete for 10 seconds before walking to test the level of heat. If you cant keep your hand there its way too hot.

Common signs of burnt paws:
-Limping or avoiding walking
-Licking or chewing at the feet
-Red, blistered, or darker than usual paw pads
-Whining or showing discomfort

What else can we do if the concrete is too hot?
-Delay walking until the concrete has cooled off
-Walk in a grassy area’s
-Go for a swim instead of a walk
-Put on some pet shoes

What can you do at home if your pet’s feet do get burnt?
Just like us the best first aid for burns is running them under cold water and then seeking medical advice. Burns are painful and can get infected-Medication may be required.

If you want to talk more please give us a call on (06)8788666 and ask to talk to one of our Veterinary Nurses.