You may or may not know that here at VetsOne, we have a cattery called ‘CatsOne’. When cats stay with us, they are treated as the princes and princesses they are, with a full time carer dedicated to looking after their needs, and nurses and vets only a step away. Our specialty is cats that need extra care due to a health condition or medication they are on. In addition, owners can request we perform work such as vaccinations, grooms or dentals while their pets are staying with us, which is ultra-convenient for them.
With this is mind, we wanted to give you a little idea of the day in the life of a cattery cat.
The clinic opens at 8am, and our cat carer arrives to greet the inhabitants. The low light is switched to daylight lights and each cat is cared for individually which includes: monitoring their behaviour and any homesickness signs, how much they have eaten and drunk during the night, whether or not they have urinated or defecated and how they appear generally. This is all recorded on their cattery sheet and any concerns or trends are brought to the attention of the hospital nurse and vet. The cat will have an exam and if there are any concerns, the owner will be contacted with a recommendation for managing the concern.
The cat carer provides fresh food and water and clean litter trays to all the cats. Rooms are cleaned, and any messy bedding is replaced. Special dietary needs are easily catered for at our cattery at no extra charge. Likewise, any medications needed in the morning are given at this time, at no additional charges.
Many cats are regulars and our cattery carer has got to know them, their habits and needs very well.
Cats are let out individually to have some play time in the communal area during the day. Outside of those times, the cats do what they do best – rest, eat, drink and rest some more.
The morning care is repeated in the afternoon, including rechecks of behaviour, looking out for any stress, eating and drinking and toileting. Food, water and litter trays are changed again and any required medications or special foods given also. The cats have additional play time if they want it in the afternoon.
Then everyone is made comfy and secure for the night as our own cat Mr Pumpernickel is put to bed in his suite. The night light is put on and the cats are left to rest some more after their hard day until they are checked again the next day.
If you are interested in our cattery, we welcome inspections or we have a brochure available at Reception.
The cattery is available for bookings 7 days a week, and we will admit or send cats home any time the clinic is open.