Bee Stings

With the influx of flowers and  blossoms, it seems we always have an influx of bees collecting pollens.  Older and wise pets know these things that look like fun to chase come with a sting in their tail – literally.  But pups in their first year simply see something that is fun to chase.  Avoiding beestings is impossible, and most will have nothing more than a passing discomfort and will learn from the experience. Here are the important things for you to know.

Beestings most commonly affects the lips and face (as most bees are caught in the mouth), more rarely, the feet (as they are pounced or trodden on).

Allergic reactions are common, resulting in swelling of the areas close to the sting. Swelling is at its maximum about 15 -30 mins after the sting.  Pain is the most common issue, but if swelling is extreme it can interfere with breathing if the neck is affected.

Anaphylactic (shock) reactions are extremely rare but can be fatal.

Symptoms of a more severe reaction are:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hives
  • Lethargy
  • Salivation or drooling
  • Increased respiration rate
  • Trouble breathing

If your pet is stung and is exhibiting any of these symptoms contact the clinic immediately on 06 878 8666 and we will advise you on what to do next.