Focus on “Mature Pet Checks”

VetsOne offers Mature Pet Checks, which aim to look for several important diseases your mature pet may develop as they age. Diseases, which will impact both the quality and quantity of their life, but which can be caught early, and many of which can be treated to reduce both the impact and the progression of the disease. The goal of these checks is to catch these diseases in the very early stages – often before you are even aware of clinical signs -which is when intervention and treatment can have the greatest impact.

Here is a summary of just a few of those things we are checking for in a Mature Pet Check for your pet:

Oral Health:

Over time, tooth decay and gum disease become more prevalent.  Bad breath is the most common sign, but there is usually significant disease present by then.  Gum and tooth disease is painful, but it also poses a health risk as bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and spread to important organs. Gum disease also leads to early tooth loss as well as mouth ulcers or abscesses. It is important to maintain good dental health right throughout a pet’s life.

Lumps & Bumps:

You should get our vets to investigate lumps in any pet, but in older pets the risk of a lump being “nasty” in nature is increased..  In some cases they prove to be harmless, but for those that aren’t, the sooner they are diagnosed and removed the better.

Liver & Kidney Disease:

As a pet ages, all organs deteriorate to some degree. Diseases of these organs are very common and can significantly impact health. Our in-house blood and urine test helps the vets assess the state of these organs and to formulate a plan to ensure maximal quality of life.

Heart Disease:

Problems with the heart are common in older dogs and can cause reduced enjoyment of activities like walking and play. In advanced stages, you may  see coughing or a  “pot belly” as fluid gathers. Cats commonly suffer from excessive blood pressure, which can be damaging to many organs and cause sudden blindness. Fortunately, there are good medications available to help once these conditions are  diagnosed.

Diabetes & Thyroid Disease:

These two hormonal diseases can start with very subtle changes but they can be devastating to overall health.  For instance, hyperthyroidism in older cats results in high blood pressure which damages the heart and kidneys.  Both  diseases can be detect with a screening test and can be managed with medications and diet. 


OA is associated with chronic pain, which can significantly lower your pet’s quality of life. Common signs include stiffness, limping, slow to rise and reluctance to exercise (in dogs) and reluctance to jump up or grumpiness when picked up or touched (in cats). This is very common in mature pets, with more than one in five pets suffering from it. (Both cats and dogs) 


Age related changes in a pet’s behaviour can include disorientation, incontinence (loss of house training), decreased interaction with other members of the family and sleeping more, to name but a few.  A number of medications can help your pet cope far better with many of these changes, ensuring a good quality of life.

Our Mature Pet Checks include a thorough health exam, blood tests and urine tests to help us uncover these disease in the  early stages.

The total value of this package is over $900, but we are offering these important checks for just $500 in June and July only.  Please ring 06 878 8666 to book your appointment now.